BSOW New England Consistory Meeting
23 October 2023
Gathered by Zoom Jennifer, Marsh, David, Bill, and John
Meeting began at 10: AM
Opening Prayer - Bro Bill
Retreat planning:
Retreat at Alcyon Center – Swan’s Group decided on need to relocate to Alcyn for accessibility purposes.
5 bedrooms upstairs with two beds each, 1 bathroom with shower.
Standard stairway, 2 half baths and a shower downstairs
1 bedroom for person who cannot do stairs
Parking right there. Easy entry to house.
Short walking trails down to shore of Seal Cove.
Also afternoon walks at Acadia National Park if wanted.
Kayaks available.
Facility leaders Joan and are glad to have non-weekend retreat.
Start Sunday night or Monday morning to Friday morning
Rent at Swan’s $767 included tax. Alcyon is happy to receive the same price.
Sunday night may or may not be included in the retreat based on availability of the facility.
Date: First Choice: second week in June, Second choice: last week in May.
Voted unanimously to approve. Bro John will send plan report to Marsh as soon as dates agreed with the Center.
Retreat leaders: Bro. David will seek retreat leadership and inform Bro Marsh
Bro John will supply photos of the facilities will check with Bro. Jeff to see if he has photos from the previous retreat at Alcyon for use in publicity.
Price will remain $175.
Retreat in Pownal, VT June 2-6 $175
Bro Bill will be retreat leader, Bro Marsh will be shopper
Advent MINI RETREAT will be offered for the entire order DEC 1-3 Cost $25
Schedfule Fri Eve-Sunday afternoon following same order as last year
Bro Bill will facilitate and send plan sheet to Bro Marsh
Advertisement for the mini retreat:
Bro Bill will prepare and send to Bro Marsh to circulate and include on website, Facebook, and email.
Deadline: Bro Bill to set
He will send work/reading schedule to allow people to bring and prepare any readings.
Regarding the question of how long our terms last;
Next Election of Office will happen in 2024, terms starting Jan 2025
Bro Bill led us in prayer for the Monday group on our prayer list.
Notes by Bro Marsh
Started at 10: AM via Zoom
Note: numerous policy changes and expectations of various leaders were decided.
Present: Bros Bill, Marsh, Julian & Jerry, Sr. Judith
To begin our time together Sr. Judith spoke of the Day of Atonement and read from Sr. Julian of Norwich: Showing, and led us in prayer which included intercession by name for the BSOW members on the prayer list for today.
Minutes of the June 26th meeting were approved
The treasurer’s report: The previous checking balance was $2,195.30. We added receipts for advent retreats and subtracted debits for account maintenance, leaving a balance of 2,239.30. Plus CD $ 2,442.43.
Treasurer’s report accepted.
We have 8 registered for Advent virtual retreat December 1-3.
Srs. Shel, Bev, Casey and Pat and Bros. Julian, John MacD, Bill, and Jerry Fuss
We voted that Physical Retreats will all be $50 for first time particiants.
Two new participants are expected at the Mid-Atlantic retreat: Bro Dwight Mays’ pastor, Martha Kearse, American Baptist, will be a first time retreatant. Julie Bell, member of St. Mary’s when Bro Julian came there, now ordained and serving churches, will be the second. We look forward to including them.
Voted that all retreats (physical and virtual) count toward membership status and consecration.
We noted that there has been two interpretations of the time to present the chalice pin to members. The Council voted unanimously:
To interpret the Constitution’s ambiguous description regarding the time of presentation of the pin as follows:
In conjunction with consecration members will receive the insignia of the order.
If you have different interpretations or you have concerns please email Bro Marsh.
The Council made another interpretation for clarity. The Constitution and Rule is identical with the Bylaws. Voted unanimously.
Bro Julian is arranging the next visioning the BSOW process with Brother John D. and they will propose the next step. Bro. Marsh will help to determine the date through a Doodle poll once the brothers have proposed dates.
Bro. Marsh will resend the latest version of the Prayer List.
We agreed that Bro Marsh will add new novices to the list immediately after the retreat in which they become novices. We ask retreat leaders to provide all contact information and a photo to the Scribe promptly after the retreat so we can include our novices in our prayers each say..
Bro Bill will confer with Sr. Shel in planning the Advent retreat: the schedule, any consecration, and other aspects unique to the virtual retreats.
Mid-Atlantic retreat folks will arrange to have a pin for the consecration.
Agreed that all Virtual Retreats will cost $25.
Bro Julian has been at work seeking a location for an Ohio retreat.
Bro Jim Brehler is retiring and moving to Michigan.
Bro Julian, as he is looking for possible locations, will chat with Bros. Jerry Fritz and Jim, and Sr. Shel about plans for a possible Midwest retreat and recruiting for it.
Priors: Retreat dates and locations for next year’s retreats are requested by Nov. 6th so we can have good time to promote them.
We noted that Sr. Pat Barth and Sr. Bev Lewis are co-priors and members of the Council.
Bro Glenn is moving to Willow Valley, south of Lancaster, PA
Bro Julian led us in a prayer written by Bro Genn to close our time. See below.
The meeting closed at 11:25
Next Meeting: Monday, November 6th at 10 AM via Zoom.
Notes by Bro Marsh
O God of love,
we are wayfarers in the world,
prone to erratic changes of course,
to losing sight of our goals,
to becoming so discouraged by the journey
that we will hitch a ride on anything that comes alone.
Help us on our way, O God.
If we change our course,
let it be not in self-interest,
but in order to share the love of Christ
with another sojourner.
If we lose sight of our goals,
let our quest bring us as your curious people
to honest searching of our faith.
It we become weary and discouraged
and forget you are with us,
let it lead to recognition of our need for you.
As we travel in a world
that sometimes sees a trackless, hostile wilderness,
we ask that your Spirit sustain, encourage,
and enable us to go on. In the name of Jesus Christ,
who walked before us. Amen.
BSOW Council 26 June 2023
Started at 10:14 AM via Zoom
Present: Bros Bill, Marsh, Julian, John MacD, David A
Regrets: Sr. Judith, Bros. Jim & Jerry
Words of Welcome and Opening Prayer
Treasurer’s Report:
the current balance of the BSOW Checking account is $2,195.30, and our CD is valued at $2,422.43
Old Business:
Bro. Julian has been working to find a retreat site for the Ohio Chapter
Bro Julian proposed continuance of Future Planning in September.
Bro Julian started a discussion of the name of our order to help everyone feel like they belong: Bro Marsh urged that our name center our related caring for one another (as does brothers and sisters).
From the Maine retreat:
Bro John shared the suggestion from the Maine retreat that we consider shifting from Swans Island, where we have had many wonderful retreats, to Alcion Center because of accessibility. Many of the friends on retreat at Swans this year were facing limits on their abilities. Bro John McD. checked and the center needs us to book in advance and would accept the fee we had been paying for rental at Swans. We will ask the NE Chapter to act on this proposal and on dates and other elements of the New England retreat schedule for 2024.proposal.
Bro Bill will set up a Consistory meeting Monday August 14th at 11 AM.
From the Vermont retreat:
• Would members be welcome for a day of a retreat? We invited Bro Rick Floyd for an afternoon this year and we all were very blessed! The consensus was that members would be so welcomed, and that travel time might make that a possibility for people relatively near the site of the retreat.
• Suggested that we change the retreat schedule so that we divide up the prayer list of members in a way that every brother and sister will be named at any retreat and we will pray for them. This made time to catch up with the joys and concerns of each of our brothers and sisters and lift them into God’s care.
• Marsh mentioned that it had been suggested that since he was providing the retreat site the Order would wave his retreat fees. There was consensus that this would be fair.
• It was suggested that in future retreats meal planning include utilizing leftovers to minimize food costs and excess food.
The Council discussed potential dates for our next meeting (after the NE Consistory meeting0. Bro Julian has several dates and will check by phone to see what works best in Sept. Bro Julian will contact people to set the date with the greatest potential participation.
Closing Prayer by Bro John
Next meeting in September at 10 AM. The day will be decided by Bro Julian’s phone survey.
Notes by Bro Marsh
Brothers and Sisters of the Way Council 24 April 2023 10 AM online
Present: Bros Bill, Marsh, Julian, John MacD, David A, Jerry Fuss
Regrets: Sr. Judith, Bro Jim
Marsh discovered that his new computer does not have a camera and microphone so he used the chat feature and watched and listened.
Opening Prayer Bro Julian
Old Business:
Bro. Bill will send a list of essential items for retreats to Bro. Julian.
Marsh posted the minutes in the chat. (A new step)
Treasurer’s funds increased by $45
Sec & Treas reports approved.
All virtual retreats will be national and registrations and fees will now go to Bro Jerry, Bro Marsh will make sure that is clear on future invitations and Payment Forms.
Ohio retreats:
Bro Julian will contact Ohio Conference to see if a church there would have a retreat space.
Discussion of size of Mini-retreat; need to mix in new participants with old
These monthly experiences are a part of the future of the order.
Thursday group needs to re-establish a facilitator to manage time. Monday group is discussing a limit on time for each sharing so we have adequate time for reading and responding to it.
When do we need to start a new group?
Bro John is ready to participate in a new group.
Bro Jerry is in favor of starting a new mini retreat if we have a volunteer who would help get a small group on the road.
Discussion of open and closed groups.
A closed group provides safety for members sharing vulnerable elements of their lives. Monday group just invited a person by request. That allowed member to know a new person was coming and who they are.
Thursday group has less personal sharing and thought little of closing or entering by requests.
Including people who begin through Virtual Retreats or other virtual experiences: New people coming through the virtual retreats: will they become novices? Yes. Already happened with Sr. Casey.
Consecration based only on virtual retreats? Will they be welcome to monthly retreats?
How are they invited?
Bro Jerry suggested that if reasonably possible a person would have attended an in-person retreat prior to consecration. Discussion will continue
Facebook promotion of retreats:
Bro Marsh has failed to successfully post retreats on Facebook, He posted them a;; and checked and they were there. Then the next day they were gone never to return. He did not get time to create FB events all over again.
Bro Bill offered to make stab at this.
BSOW Future Planning with Bro John Danner – Bro Julian share a little.
He is hoping we will invite young and old and hang our hats on a mix of both.
Bro Julian will check with Bro John to see what the next step is.
Next Meeting: Monday June 26th at 10 AM
Present: Bros Julian, Bill, Jim, Jerry Fuss, John MacD, and Marsh.
Opening Prayer- Bro Bill
Secretary’s Report accepted
Treasurer’s Report Accepted
Retreat planning:
RI: All set Bro Bill leading
Swan’s: Retreat leader - Bro Bill has not heard from Bro David Keller as possible leader.. Bro John MacDuffie will be back up. Bill will notify Marsh who will actually lead the retreat.
Ohio: Sunday September 25 - morning September 29. Bro Jim found a good vacation rental SE of Columbus, OH. The council urged him to plan for the retreat particularly since it has been a long time singe our last OH retreat. We orges Jim and set a reasonable registration fee. The Council will underwrite the balance of the vacation rental fee and also provide any scholarships needed to make sure everyone who wished to join us is able.
Central Atlantic: Oct 17-21
• Bro Wayne will call Daisy McBride to see if it’s ok to proceed at Peterkin
• Christ Congregational Church in Silver Springs has a retreat center west of Winchester, actually in WV. Three cabins and central farmhouse. This looks like a good alternative.
Goal to confirm all retreats by March 15th to allow us time to distribute registrations forms, publicity, etc..
Bro Dwight Mays: has received cards and letters, feels encouraged. Remember him and his wife Vicki. Bro Ed Robbins - his wife’ having health issues. Bro Ed would welcome a virtual retreat.
Bro Julian suggesting a virtual retreat. Suggesting that we make a plan at the next council meeting. We would need Zoom persons.
Decided to get a BSOW Zoom account. Some of the Council offered to help fund that. Exact details of the account to be decided at next meeting.
In the meantime Bro Jim would arrange a meeting for the order.
Three task groups
Sisters: 5 sisters on it
Digital: Bill, Jim, Jennifer, Julian
BSOW Outreach and Growth: Shel, Judith, Joe & Jim
Julian’s aim for each group to meet in March.
Hoping to have Bro John Danner meet with Council next session and hoping to start process in May. (See below.)
Gratitude for Bro Julian’s Leadership Appreciation of a new friend Sam at the Thursday small group, pastor at a church Bro Julian once served. Sam also facilitates an “agrarian ministry.” Also feels drawn to the BSOW disciplines. Sam will be asked if he would like to be on the BSPW email list to stay informed of what is happening in the order.
Closing prayer by Bro Jim with a little help from Bro Thomas Merton!
Next Meeting will include time with Bro John Danner Please mark your calendar!
Tuesday March 22nd at 3-4:30 PM. By Zoom! Invitation will be emailed close to the meeting time.
Notes by Bro Marsh, Scribe
BSOW Council Minutes 23 November 2021
Bros Julian, Bill, Jerry Fuss, John MacD, and Marsh. Sister Judith
Opening Prayer
Note from Minutes: Bro John Danner does not think we need an outside advisor to our visioning, and he WILL start us on the process in May.
Bro Bill has ben trying to contact Bro Bob Goddard and invite him back into fellowship. Bro Bill also plans to visit Bro George Frobig after Thanksgiving.
Treasurer’s Report: Checking: $1,662.30 Savings $2,141,79.
Twice a Year Meeting called Conversations with our Abbott. Coming up next week.
Monthly retreats - while we have nearly a dozen signed up in each group but not that many are in attendance. People are managing sharing time so we have a full half-hour for reading and responding. Slightly different formats in the two groups.
Watch for the moves of the Spirit!
Bro Julian proposed the possibility of a future annual or semi-annual mini-retreat as a recruitment tool to invite people who are not yet members. Members should send an invitation to potential retreatants. Maybe it would last for 90 to 120 minutes. Some discussion of potential candidates.
Reviewing possible topics for upcoming talks: recruitment, possible candidates
We do still have a real-life retreat scheduled in May 16-19 at Irons Homestead, Swans Island is available for retreats May 23-30 June 6-10. NE Consistory needs to meet and get publicity out. Another topic for abbot’s discussion
Women’s Retreats: Bro Julian will draw the team together early in 2022 on Zoom.
Bro Julian would like Bro Bill’s help mastering Zoom soon. Cost about $150/year.
Perhaps we should reimburse the Abbot and Priors who are providing that ministry. Could BSOW have a Zoom account and have several authorized to set up meetings? Voted to have Bill pursue such an account.
90 Year booklet Bro Jeff is not able to do this alone. Bros Bill and Marsh have been very busy also. Jeff has started on a major refugee resettlement effort. How important is this? Does this relate to the future planning and perhaps integrated with that? Are there enough of us to do this. What about Bro Rick Floyd as a participant? Ask for conversation between, Bill, Jeff, and Marsh. Bro Bill to coordinate.
Keeping in touch with BSOW community: Beautiful ministry with people with Alzheimer’s by Bro Fred Wenner and his wife Fran and lovely large news article about their work, coordination of a support group. Perhaps he would enjoy our monthly mini-retreats.
Three working Groups:
Digital Possibilities: no group created to date, Ask Bro Bill to gather a small group, blogging, etc. Maybe Bro Rick, Sister Paula, and others. Perhaps a regular =ly reflective blog by the Order.
Growing the Order: Bro Julian will initiate a meeting in the new year with identified possible members.
Visioning process: discussed earlier.
Bro Julian will send out addresses of the Wilson Family to Marsh to be forwarded to the membership with an invitation to send Christmas Cards.
Lord’s prayer for closing
Two upcoming meetings Jan 25 3-4:30 PM, Feb 22 at 3-4:30 PM
Note by Bro Marsh
BSOW Council Minutes 26 October 2021
Bros Julian, Bill, Jerry F, John MacD, and Bro Marsh very late.
We had some trouble getting everyone together. Electronic doodads and
gimcracks held our start time off until about 3:15.
Brother Julian opened with prayer.
Those who were there accepted the minutes and treasurer's report,
We discussed the idea of a twice-a-year meeting of all members of the
order with the Abbott.
Decided..."A Conversation with the Abbott"
November 29th -- 10 am
November 30th -- 2 pm
Process: Brother Bill will send a general email to the order [through Brother Marsh] on November 17th indicating that in a day or two each member of the order will receive two invitations to
"the conversation with the Abbott." Each member will be asked to choose one [that being 11/29 10 AM or 11/30 2 PM]. As well we will ask that they respond with their choice or regrets by November 22nd. A couple of days afterNovember 22nd another email will be sent to the order indicating which day they will be able to converse with the Abbot. We hope in this way to reach all our Brothers and Sisters, and gain some news ideas regarding growing the Order, and new opportunities to be together.
There was discussion that one topic with the Abbot be about opening up more retreats, and also that one or more mini-retreats where members of the order could just join for the day to be with sisters and brothers of the way. Also suggested that 2 or 3 topics for such meetings.
Seeking ways Sisters can feel more included and involved, including a possible women’s retreat. Sisters Judith Blanchard, Jennifer Geary, Linda Kimball, Bev Lewis, and Paula Fletcher will meet early in 2022. Bro Julian will glad set up the meeting and initially meet with them, and then step aside.
Maybe an “alter ego” as we have had for members in the past for sisters or brothers who need physical assistance in order to attend a retreat.
There was discussion about inquiring interest in inviting members to attend Monthly retreats. The Monday Mini-Retreat meets on the third Monday each month. The Thursday Mini-Retreat meets on Thursdays each month. The Monday group currently has 12 members, and the Thursday group has 10.
Members of the Third Thursday are Sisters Shel Culver and Sister Bev Lewis, Brothers George Bland, Jim Brehler (the Zoom person), Rick Floyd, Jerry Fritz, Gerald Fuss, Julian Hall, Dwight Mays, and Dick Waddell. Currently there are 10 members. (An email was sent to Brother Doug Dunlap inquiring if he wanted to join the group.) There has been discussion about dividing these groups, but no decision.
There was discussion about having one or more mini-retreats where members of the order could just join for the day to be with sisters and brothers of the way. No decision. Perhaps seek input at meeting with Abbot.
Brother Jeff Lewis is interesting in completing a booklet about 90 Years of the Order. We have considerable info on the first 50 years, not so with the last 40.
The Two Other Working Groups.
Bro Julian has no notes written about the Digital Possibilities, other than I will subscribe so I can be such a zoom person.
Growing the Order--Julian will speak with Brother Jim and Sister Judith. Also, I would like to include Sister Shel and also Brother Joe Shore-Goss. (The later is because he is in Florida and there has been conversation about having a BSOW Chapter in Florida.
Visioning process for the future of the BSOW - Bro John Danner agreed to facilitate this. He might want an outside person to help.
Bro Bill shared contact with Bro Bob Goddard
Contact: Bro Julian had a phone visit with Bro George Frobig. Difficult for him to write but he enjoyed a phone call.
Next Meetings:
November 23rd 10-11:30
January 25th 3-4:3-0PM
February 22nd 3-4:30 PM
Notes by Brothers Bill, Julian and Marsh
BSOW Council 7 July 2021 10 AM
Present: Bros. Julian Hall, Bill Hamilton, Jim Brehler, Jerry Fuss, Marsh H-K
Discussion on transportation of sisters and brothers to retreat
10:10 opening prayer by Bro Julian
Treasurer’s report with $2 change since last month
Minutes and treasurer’s reports approved.
Bros. Bill and Julian & Sister Judith planning to go to island on Sunday to take food, set up tables and chairs, assign rooms, posting signs about water conservation
Bro Marsh will send 6 signs to post so we don't run out of water:
No Showers please- Brief Rinse only
Don’t leave room until toilet is done running
Hosts provide blankets, sheets, wash cloths, towels
Bringing your own sleeping bag is welcome
Departures at Noon and at 1 on Monday
Bro Julian will send out an email reminder soon:
of process, directions and contact info., lists of who departs for the island when, etc..
Return Friday: first boat leaves at 9 AM and 10 AM
Operating the defibrillator - Would like 2-3 to learn to use it Monday afternoon
Schedule starting Monday:
About 3:45 raise the flag
4 Music hour.
Please bring CDS you’d like to play
Susan & George have a CD player with two speakers
Bro Rick Floyd will nap at 4 PM for health.
Others please stay awake!
4:30 ‘til 5 Evensong
5-5:45 Happy Hour
6 PM Supper
7:30 Reading
Communion after readings
(Thursday reading at 7
followed by altar of the way and communion)
Mornings (Starting Tuesday)
Morning Bell
8 Breakfast
9 Reading
10-12 Silence
12 Lunch
Free Time until 4
Possible filming of the program
Altar of the Way Thursday led by Brother John MacDuffie
Bro John Cedarleaf will be consecrated, and maybe another
Friday Morning:
boats leaving at 9 AM and 10
Decided to give the Congregational Church gifts in appreciation for use of their parking Lot. $50 from treasury and other could add to it giving a check of cash to Bro Jerry. Julian to add the message to his email. Checks of cash are welcome.
Optional Lunch at Boothbay before departure to the island.
George and Susan will be our guests.
Bro Marsh will bring recorded UCC Hymnal hymns that we probably can use to accompany us for hymn sing
After the retreat:
Debriefing 11 AM August 4th Zoom for all who attended the retreat
If you cannot be present please email reflections you might share.
Next Council Meeting Wed., Sept 22nd at 10 AM Zoom!
Thanks to Bro Bill for all the Zooming!
BSOW Council
8 March 2021
10 AM
God, Bros. Julian, Bill, Jim, John, Marsh, Gerry Fuss, Wayne, and Sr. Judith
Opening Prayer by Sr. Judith
Reviewing minutes, Approved
Treasurer’s Report Checking 1,608,82, CD: 2,141.36
Retreats for 2021:
• RI Bro Bill will report its definite cancellation
• Swan’s - cancelled because of participation in retreat at Fisherman’s - - Sr. Judith and Bro John
• OH is on. Bro Jim
• Mid-Atlantic retreat is a Go
Fisherman’s Preparation for the retreat, 18 presently registered.
Covid recommendations:
We will follow all CDC guidance at the time of the retreat. So please, if you are going on this retreat, seriously consider inoculation and possible testing before the retreat.
Watch for the actual expectations at the time of the retreat.
Some questions we will consider as we get closer: go outside for singing?
Will we be wearing masks? at least while inside?
Will we require testing?
Retreat info will announce that the UCC church in BoothBay welcomes our parking. We will drop things to go on the island at our hosts’ home and then go to park. We will include directions to the lot and to our hosts.
Retreat Fee: NE retreat : 1-2 fees are being donated for someone who might need. So we have another $300. The order will make up any shortage if there is any.
We will change the retreat fee to $100. Those who have made a $150 payment already will be reimbursed the $50.
We discussed the possibility of making a gift to a mission suggested by the UCC church based on any surplus of funds or donate a budgeted amount. Not decided yet.
Bro. Jeff Lewis joined us at 10:45 to join discussion about the idea of gifts for the
Guests George and Susan Craig and Jan Reit and Nat Wilson. The discussion also included possible gifts for all members of the Order.
Ideas for Goals of a possible book:
Gifts to hosts
History - Bro John - how much in what format?
Records- -Commemorative
Pictures - contacting all bro and sisters and ask for copies of Photos
Cost estimating: Looking at Bookbaby 6x9 base left 100 page 100 copies on regular book paper (matte) $500
Pictures are inferior if on flat paper. Coated paper would be $800.
Decide on balance between pictures and words.
Formal History starting with the sanctuary, names, retreats
and informal history, personalities,
Jon Day sketches
and how did this idea BSOW survive for 90 years morphing…
Stories of including women
Moving from the island to regional chapters
Pictures of the chalice in stained glass, Greystones…
Aim - a small gift book for the retreat.
Who would explore this?
Bro Bill has talked with Sr. Judith & Jennifer to talk about worship. Maybe serve as a program for Wed Afternoon
Bro Jeff, John , and Marsh will start drafting a take home keepsake book.
Possible Larger Book Contents:
Sanctuary revised.
Hymn of the Order. Try to include at the bottom of the page with the hymn, the Alternate first verse for occasions when retreats are not by sea, but are landlocked.
Daily Rhythm
Bro John working on stories
Decisions on the bigger book to be continued.
Schedule on transporting at Fisherman’s retreat:
Agreed: we should offer to pay for the rent of a lobster boat.
Bro Julian to come up a day early to define room assignments.
When we are on retreat property maintenance workers will stay off the island.
except for settling us on the island and helping us off.
What do we do with food scraps and garbage?
Bro Julian will issue an invitation to those not able for the entire retreat to come for Wednesday. Bro Marsh will email it.
Bro. Julian offered a closing prayer.
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at 1 PM.
Brothers and Sisters of the Way Council
11 November 2020 2 PM
Sr. Jennifer, Bro John, Marsh, Jerry Fuss, Julian
Opening and reflections and prayer Sr Jennifer
August minutes approved unanimously
Treasurer - Bro Jerry Same: CD 2,140.28 Checking: 1,618.82 received unanimously
Voting for officers: Draft Ballot: approved unanimously.
Marsh to send ballot by snail mail to Bro Dwight Mays
Election Schedule:
Bro Marsh emails ballots: Nov. 12
Ballots due back to him by Nov 19
Announce results by Nov 22nd
New officers begin service January 1 2021
Retreat Schedules for 2021
Possible dates for Fisherman’s Retreat:
May 31-June 4, July 12-16, 19-23, 26-30, Aug 2-6
Bro Julian took them to Susan and she approves, though the May date will be cold - it takes the island some time to warm up in the spring.
Wednesday of the chosen week will be the one-day event. Sr. Jennifer will coordinate.
Bro Marsh has asked Sr. Jennifer to help his set up a doodle for these dates.
Other Business:
Does anyone remember taking home an oil painting by John Day of Fisherman’s Island?
Small Group Gatherings Authorized to continue as led by the Spirit. Please stay in touch through Bro Marsh.
Sr. Jennifer will complete the retreat planning form as soon as Marsh sends it.
Closing prayer by Bro Julian
Many thanks to Sr, Jennifer for her many years of VERY faithful service as our NE Prior!!!
Next Meeting: Feb - Julian will check with Bill, new prior
Adjourned at 3 PM
Sr, Jennifer’s new address: 160 Third Avenue, Woonsocket, RI 02895 Email and phone the same.
Notes by Bro Marsh
Scribes’ Notes from the BSOW Virtual Retreat – August 23-24, 2020
The Evening Chaplain was Sister Paula Fletcher. Her reading was from Barbara Brown Taylor’s book, Gospel Medicine. She read from the chapter entitled Absence. Within that chapter, she read three sections entitled: The Silence of God; Looking Up Toward Heaven; and Good News for Orphans.
“The Silence of God.” God has let us down. God was more stubborn, more distant. It affects our lives at home and our community. Why doesn’t God speak louder and more clearly? Some of us think that if we speak more loudly, it will make a difference. In Isaiah 58 the prophet is expressing the feelings of God’s people. Isaiah is addressing ‘True Fasting’. The people are going through the motions day after day. “Why have we fasted, they say and you have not seen it?”
Isaiah is calling the people on their fasting. They are going through the motions. The people are fasting, and yet the exploit all your workers. Their fasting ended in quarreling and strife, and in striking each other with wicked fists.”
Taylor helps to see that too often we are like our spiritual ancestors. We have the form, we go through the emotions, but loving mercy and walking humbly are not always our daily practice. Why? Because we are so caught up with ourselves, there is little space for God in our hearts. It is actually easy to forsake God, and to be oblivious to our wanderings. If God is silent, could it be that we are making so much noise and commotion, that we are only listening to ourselves? Like the ancient Israelites, we too allow unimportant issues and interests to be the focus of our time and energy.
Help us, Lord, help your people to take time to settle down, to be quiet, and to be open to God’s silence. Help us, God, help ourselves, so that when we hear God’s voice, “Hear I am,” if we have been quieting ourselves, we might be willing to respond to God with “Here I am.” And keep listening. Listen for the silence and welcome its presence. We can never engage in the practice of acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God.
“Looking Up at the Heaven.” In Acts 1:6b, the disciples ask Jesus, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” Jesus speaks a few words to him and concluded with these. “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and to the ends of the earth.”
Then Jesus was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. But just because Jesus returned to his heavenly Father and so was out of visual sight, it didn’t mean that God was absent from them.
In our living of our days, we may find joy in the midst of sorrow, and there is life in the midst of death.
Jesus is physically absent, but his presence is still with us.
So, don’t look up, look around you. The first disciples did return to Jerusalem and they met together, and spent time in prayer. It made all the difference in their lives and also in God’s world. The same is true for us today.
“Good News for Orphans.” That really is good news for us today.
In John 14:18, Jesus reminded his followers that they would be abandoned; they would not be orphans. Through the Holy Spirit, his presence would be with them, and the Holy Spirit would teach them all things. They would be filled and empowered.
The early followers expected that they would see Jesus return again soon. Then one year became years, and decades turned into centuries.
Among our insights is the realization that we are not alone in the house. God is in the house. Could it be that we need to move about, not stay in one room, or in one place, but to explore? Could it be that there are others, some may be lonely, some may be lost, but all need love and acceptance? There are many rooms in God’s house. We might be surprised to find a lot of healing and wholeness in the medicine of the Gospel. Practicing the medicine of the Gospel is feeding the hungry, caring for sick, spending time with the lonely. The keeps us closer Christ, and then we won’t be overly concerned about when Jesus is coming back. Not only are we not orphans, we continue to encounter Jesus, even as he said, “When you visit the prisoners, and care for the sick, we are really serving Christ.
After the reading there was some discussion about the reading. Thank you Sister Paula.
The evening had closed in on us, and our Retreat Leader Brother David led us in the Service of Holy Communion. The Liturgy was from the Iona Community. It was refreshing, renewing, and the presence of Jesus Christ was with us in that Holy Meal.
The virtual retreat is a new or novel experience for all ten of us. However, we are all glad to be together and on retreat. These first hours have been enriching for us, and it is so good to be together.
Present for this retreat are Sister Paula Fletcher, Sister Jennifer Geary, Brother Julian Hall, Brother William (Bill) Hamilton, Brother Marsh Hudson-Knapp, Brother David Keller (Retreat Leader) Brother Edward (Ed) Robbins (first timer), and Brother Richard (Dick) Waddell, Jr.
Respectfully submitted,
Brother Julian CCLXXII Sunday Evening Clerk
Monday AM – Aug 24, 2020
This morning dawned brightly in our corner of the world. Because of our virtual retreat, morning dawned also in Vermont, Maine, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island as well as Massachusetts. We were to check-in between 9 – 9:30 am but we were daunted [minimally] by a “Zoom” outage over most of the country. Happily, by reading time the problem had been solved, at least for us.
At 9:30, Brother Dick Waddell read separate articles for us under the general rubric of spirituality and climate change…The Rooted and the Rising…The Imperative of Hope were the two I remember.
At 10:30, we entered a period of silence. Brothers and sisters moved about, but in silence until 11:30, when we re-gathered for open conversation and a break for lunch. Our schedule called for us to meet again for our afternoon session.
Faithfully submitted, Brother Bill CCL
Monday Afternoon
After separate time for lunch and free time we gathered for music at 2:30 with two great songs from Hadestown led by Greg Brown and Anais Mitchell. Then Bro David treated us to several contemporary gospel songs by Chanticleer.
Starting us with the voice of a singing bowl, Bro Marsh read to us from Valerie Kauer’s moving memoir and call to revolutionary love: See No Stranger.
Bro Julian led us in communion and the Altar of the Way, with an altar formed from the Rhode Island altar and another from our Abbot’s home.
Bro. Bill explained the ordinary elements of candles, fabric wall hanging, and Bible that serve as sacred reminders for us. Bro. Julian explained the seven privileges of our order. Sr. Jennifer welcomed Ed Robbins, our first timer, who agreed to become a novice for the coming year, and we rejoiced! Bro. David led us in sharing memories and reflections about our journeys with God and with BSOW past and present. Bro. Julian led us in sharing the Lord’s Supper, each with elements in our homes, and all serving to unite us with each other and with Christ. The service ended with a Zoom singing of the hymn of the order, which actually came out pretty well. At the very end, we shared farewells and enjoyed a guest appearance by Elsie Louise Hall.
-notes by Bro. Marsh
Brothers and Sisters of the Way Council
18 August 2020 3 PM
Sr. Jennifer, Bro John, Marsh, Jerry Fuss, Julian
Shared memories of Bro Jerry Stone and Bro Tom Campbell.
Opening and reflections and prayer - Bro Jerry Fuss.
April minutes approved
Treasurer Balances largely unchanged: Checking 1,622.82; CD renewed in May $2,140.82. Approved.
Small Group Gatherings going well! Nourishing for all who participate
Virtual Retreat report: 7 signed up, Bro David Keller will send assignments.
Zoom Links will go out Saturday
Bro Wayne is celebrating his birthday. Happy celebrating!
The in-person retreat is still possible at Romney, WV. We will know by the end of this month if it is still on.
Looking ahead to 2021
Voting for officers:
Mid Atlantic: Bro Wayne wants to step down as prior so they will need a new prior.
Ohio: Bros Jerry and Jim will talk about roles they play and get back soon.
(BTW Bro Jerry Fritz walking almost 5 miles a day to prepare for Oct 25th knee replacement.)
NE Needs a new prior. Sr. Jennifer is doing some recruiting.
Election Schedule:
One email to vote for chapter and order officers.
Order slate is all ready
We are asking chapters to complete their nominationsand email Bro Marsh BY October 31
Council to review ballot and prepare vote Tues Nov 10th3 pm
Bro Marsh emails ballots: Nov. 12
Ballots due back to him by Nov 19
Announce results by Nov 22nd
New officers begin service January 1 2021
Discussion of “the Box” of items for the retreat.
Bro John has the northern retreat box including the items from Fisherman’s Island
Other Business:
NO News on Fisherman’s retreat
RI is scheduled for May 16-20 2021 - Using Our deposit for 2020
Swan’s Availability as usual, probably the first two weeks in June
NE Consistory meeting is soon - Thursday Aug 27thto confirm likely retreat dates, consider nominations…
Closing prayer by Bro Julian
Adjourned at 4:20 PM
BSOW New England Consistory Meeting
28 May 2020 9 AM
Gathered by Zoom Jennifer, Marsh, Davids Andrews, Bill and John
Check in: Sr. Jennifer is back to work - ministry!
Irons: schedule for possible BSOW retreat is open for weekdays Aug-Oct
Discussed Sr. Jennifer’s document about retreat limitations to honor safety.
Considering the complexity of COVID preparations we decided to not try to do a physical retreat.
Do we want to do a virtual retreat?
Jennifer or Keller might facilitate such a thing - during 2020 - minimum of a day(perhaps August)
Brainstorming about how it might work.
We propose a one-day virtual retreat hosted by our chapter in 2020 and we request permission from the Council to have that qualify as the retreat obligation for the year. We will ask Bro David Keller to lead it. Voted yes unanimously.
MORE INFORMATION about our late summer - Fall retreat will be coming to you soon!
Deposits still held by Bro David. If people want their registration fees returned, please contact Bro David Andrews.
Sr. Jennifer will contact Bro Julian promptly to initiate the process.
What about elections: Sr. Jennifer will check with Bro Julian for a revised nomination- election process.
Normal fall consistory planning will be August 27th 9 AM online.
Notes by Bro Marsh
Minutes of the Council of Brothers and Sisters of the Way 17 Dec 2019 10:30 AM
Present: Jerry Fuss, Julian Hall, Jennifer Geary, & Marsh HK
Connected at 10:45
Opening Prayer by Sr. Jennifer.
Agenda changes approved
Minutes of March 25th approved
• Treasurer’s report: Bro Jerry
All chapter dues are in. When deposited we will have $1,620.82 plus a cd of
$2,138.15 just renewed in November.
• Bro Jerry is now treasurer of Mid Atlantic as Bro Bob Rock retired, but Bob remains
on the account as a second signer.
• Retreat in Ohio - Bro Jerry had to leave during the retreat and others left early.
• Suggestions from New England Consistory.
During Service of altar, retreats are invited to read the names of all the Brothers
and Sisters and give feedback about this practice to the Council.
Combining Communion with the Altar : RI retreat has done this for several years and
values it.
Cell Phone use during retreats: NE consistory suggested that at start of each retreat
group come of consensus about use.
List of emergency contacts in RI are on the table so anyone at retreat can make
contact easily if needed. Suggested to all retreats.
Retreat Leaders please note: Decided to gather a list of all the readings at the end
of each retreat. Add list to retreat report form and when they are turned in scribe
will share with all of order
• Election of BSOW is coming in 2020, and begin service in 2021.
No Computers Gerry Stone and Dwight Mays. Invite Nominations through the last retreat of October. Send nominations to Bro Julian who will collate them. Sister Jennifer will send out a survey monkey for the election. We will need to send paper ballots to folks without computers.
Possible Retreat on Fisherman’s Island. Bro Julian wrote to owners to ask. No response so he will write again.
Next Council Thursday, March 19 1 PM
Minutes by Bro Marsh
Gathered by Zoom Jennifer, Marsh, David, Bill and John
Finances almost the same as a year ago.
When people give more than their dues require those funds are split between the chapter and the order.
Minutes accepted by consensus
Retreats plan about the same schedule.
ri May 17 -21
si June 1-5
si June 8-12
Leaders: RI: Bill
John will do either Swans retreat.
David Keller likes doing retreats. Decision not possible before 1 January.
Jeff has led one retreat.
David Andrews would share leadership. Bro John will ask Jeff to share leadership with Bro David. Doug might help (maybe John). Sr. Jennifer will make sure Marsh gets the retreat plan sheet for each so we can begin publicity. Target: Next Consistory meeting if not earlier.
Combining communion with the Altar during retreats is OK and maybe preferable to doing them separately.
Reading all names on prayer list during the altar seems good to all.
Cell phone use during retreats: do we have a policy?
Swans consensus - available in free time and late evening.
At Irons there is a landline phone in case of emergency.
If someone had a concern of urgency and kept their phone on vibrate.
Bro Bill suggests turning off phones for the retreat.
Suggested that retreat leaders at the start of each retreat discuss cell phone and online use policy for the retreat.
Suggested that we gather all the readings so all in the order can reflect on them during the year. Suggested that we write readings on a list at each retreat and turn them in with the minutes of the retreat meeting. Then the scribe will forward them. Check back in 2 years to see what we have learned.
Round robin of scribes’ notes: did not happen this year and it does not seem to be working out.
Readings: would be checked with retreat leaders.
First-Timersat Swans were not as prepared as you might hope when they arrived at the retreat. We need to ask that retreat leaders to arrange with first-timers to have a preparatory discussion with the prior before the retreat to include: What happens each day, reccomendation to bring materials for communion, readings, music…
Library: Some BSOW books have been added to the Irons Homestead library and some are at Swans. Then we create a “pop-up” library of books we bring to retreats.
Membership and the year of the pin.
Prayer List-Care for inactive - Jennifer and Marsh to look through the prayer list and list only membership categories and to arrange contact - support with those who have been less active.
Re members who are still interested but have not paid dues. Could add to the annual “bill”:
“If there are financial matters that keep you from going on retreat or paying dues please contact the prior. We do not want anyone excluded because of financial need.” or something like that.
What do we expect of members? the rule or only attendance and dues? The last two are easier to monitor.
Year of the pin to be discussed at council (i.e. when is chalice pin to be given?).
Maybe BSOW buttons for promotion of our order? Those could be given out to all participants?
Inclusion:what is said and not said at retreats.
Perhaps we need to make space where if someone feels uncomfortable with language or jokes one can raise it.
How do we continue to grow the order in ways that are nourishing for younger clergy who are often worn from ministry and needing refreshment/renewal and older clergy who mainly come to gather with old friends. Hoping for safe space and nurturing space.
Integrating and caring for new sisters and brothers: Perhaps have a sponsor/mentor for their first few years esp if no member actually brought them to the first retreat. In the old days when someone came back for consecration they were presented by their sponsor. It would be great to care for our new friends.
Nominations: Bro David Andrews is willing to continue as Treasurer.
Bro, Marsh wiling to serve as clerk-scribe . Suggested we might have a scribe in training to learn the database, etc.
Sr. Jennifer will check the nomination process we are supposed to follow. Concern to have a person from Maine retreats who might be Prior or Sub Prior and to have a mix of genders.
Sr. J will reach out for suggestions and get back to us mid-November.
Next meeting 9:30 Monday Nov. 18thonline.
Minutes by Bro Marsh
Minutes Business Meeting June 13, 2019
Present: Brothers: John MacDuffie, David Keller, Richard Russell
Novices: David Williams, Andrew MacLeod
Bro. David Keller, Retreat Leader, gave a brief orientation for the benefit of our Novices, as to the organizational structure of BSOW, leadership, and procedure for doing business.
Bro. Rick offered an opening prayer.
Minutes of the meeting held at the Rhode Island Retreat, May 2019; and also Minutes of the first Swans Island Retreat of June 2019.
Items discussed from the proceedings of the first two NE Chapter retreats as follows:
1) Retreat dates for 2020: Rhode Island, May 17-21; Swans 1, June 1-5. (Action by this group in New Business.)
2) The extended e-mail discussion of membership categories this Spring had brought new understandings to us all; the most recent analysis by Bro. Marsh Hudson-Knapp had proven helpful. (Action in New Business.)
3) A move toward inclusion of the Prayer List during retreats was noted and supported. (Action in New Business.)
4) Concerning reading materials: the three Brothers in attendance had brought books from which they wished to read. Novices had not known of this custom. They were glad to use readings found in books brought by others, but also valued some found in the BSOW Library remnants stored at the Swans Island cottage. Discussion shared ideas about this matter in our present incarnation. It seems that more thorough orientation of first-timers might be needed.
New Business
1) This retreat group agreed with a recommendation made by the Swans 1 meeting that the category of "still interested" be eliminated and that members who had neither paid dues nor attended retreats be contacted to get their decision as to becoming Emeritus (if 75 years of age achieved) or Ordinary (dues paid but no retreat attendance.) The third alternative for these members would be to drop from rolls.
2) This group also endorsed the suggestion of Swans 1 that the Prayer List be read during the Altar of the Way. That would be done on the following evening.
3) It was agreed that it had been very helpful when communication was made near the end of the first retreat concerning food items not used and available for the second retreat, thus obviating some shopping by the Retreat Leader of the second retreat.
4) Dates of Swans 2 in 2020, June 8-12. No Retreat Leaders as yet.
Final discussion highlighted that we most value recruitment of new members by present members, with thorough explanation of the retreat schedule and roles of participation. The web site is helpful but nothing takes the place of word of mouth outreach.
Meeting adjourned at 2:07 p.m.
Brother John MacDuffie
Scribe pro tem
Minutes Business Meeting June 6, 2019
Present: Brothers: John MacDuffie, David Andrews, Doug Dunlap, Jeff Lewis, Dick Waddell
Sisters: Judith Blanchard, Janice Chilek
Call to Order 1:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes from Irons Retreat May 2019
Bro. Treas. David Andrews had not prepared a formal report, but stated that with the new $150 fee established for this year there was hope that we might break even overall, with different numbers and costs in each place. A report of this year's NE Chapter retreats will be forthcoming after the second Swans Island retreat numbers are in and bills paid.
1. Mention was made about the recent e-mail discussion of membership categories and rationale used by our Scribe Bro. Marsh. A clarifying e-mail that he had just circulated this week was noted as being helpful. This matter is one on which we are acting today under New Business.
2. There had been expressed in the Rhode Island minutes the sentiment that we ought to find a time and manner during retreats to pray communally for all members on the current prayer list. We were in support of this, and in fact had already determined that we would do it during the Altar ceremony this week.
3. Noted that Irons retreat in 2020 will be May 17-21, with Bro. Bill Hamilton as Leader.
4. In response, it was the wish of this group to hold Swans Island retreats in 2020 on June 1-5 and June 8-12. Leadership roles not yet named.
New Business
1. A suggested policy on cell phone use was put forth: during morning and evening reading hours, morning silent hours and the Great Silence at night from end of Communion to rising bell, cell phones should be turned off. At other times they are to be used as owners need, with consideration for others nearby who might be interrupted or annoyed by such use. If vibrate rather than ring tones could be used, it would reduce unwelcome effects.
2. A suggestion from Bro. John was that since a number of us are in the habit of rising and retiring early, the evening reading has been a difficult period for us to stay awake. He suggested switching Music and Reading as an experiment. All were agreeable to a one-time experiment, that same evening. (The trial was successful, though on this last night, dinner was delayed and the Altar ceremony was also a part of the program.)
3. In discussing readings, it was suggested that after each retreat someone should make a list of readings done during that retreat, as listed in the Scribe's book. If this was done by all retreats and compiled in some central place, the Order could get a sense of the readings practice being followed. Bro. John said that as he has custody of our Scribe's book between retreats, he would do this as a demonstration of this idea and send it on with the request that in due time it be considered by others.
4. In the Library category, it was suggested that a list of the books currently owned by the Order, which are stored presently at Swans Island, be compiled for circulation to all in the Order. The disposition of these books should be made at some time, as they can only be used by retreats at Swans, unless shipped elsewhere. One possibility would be to divide them among the chapters.
5. On Membership Categories, after discussion it was moved by Bro. Dick and seconded by Bro. Doug that the "still interested" category (no dues for 5 years) be eliminated, with those individuals presently so designated being queried in a friendly and appreciative manner as to whether they would wish to be Emeritus (no dues or retreats) if 75 years of age, or Ordinary (no retreats but paying dues), or neither. If neither, then would they object to being removed from our rolls. This motion was supported unanimously. (Yet it is of course only our recommendation to others, that each retreat group would need to discuss and act upon.)
6. A discussion was held of the fact that some members of this group are finding the trip from their homes to this site extremely long and tiring, yet preferring this site to any others. It was thought that breaking their trips by making use of our hospitality principle (Rule?) could help with that problem.
There being no other business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at 2:17 p.m.
Bro. John MacDuffie
Brothers and Sisters of the Way, Retreat 229 in Rhode Island
May 2019
Present: Prior Sr. Jennifer Geary, Asst. Prior and Retreat Leader: Bro. Bill Hamilton, Sr. Paula Fletcher, Bro. Marsh Hudson-Knapp, Bro. Tom Campbell, and retreatant Bro. Joe Shore-Goss
Meeting called to order at 12:55 PM by Prior Sr. Jennifer.
Read the minutes.
Accepted with one correction deleting repeated “earlier.”
Treasurer’s Report: All retreats lost money last year (although the RI retreat broke even after the reimbursement for our first-timer). So the chapter increased Swan’s Fee to $150.
We received an income and expense report from the treasurer. Suggested that we send out the complete report to the chapter.
Read minutes from the Maine 2018 retreats.#1.
Responses: RI Retreat is fully wheelchair accessible.
Recorded readings and books that might raise questions:
The Council may want to consider a policy about books or recordings that may be read. We favor the present practice in our retreat – namely talking with the Retreat leader if you have a reading that may raise questions. If someone has a problem with a reading we suggest that the retreat intentionally discuss the reading together.
Our New BSOW Website: Thanks to Sister Paula! She is working on raising our search ranking so that it may be found easier by “BSOW.”
Remembering Sr Linda and Sr. Marriotte who are healing.
Interest in getting to know others in our chapter with whom we have not retreated. Perhaps have a New England gathering in the fall.
Discussion about membership categories and who will be on the prayer list. First, it was suggested that we all read the latest version of the bylaws and it’s definitions of member categories.
There was a consensus that we take an approach of grace with our brothers and sisters. Two of us on the retreat (both officers now) would no longer be in this fellowship if we had been removed from the community and its prayers after the 5-year limit for not paying dues.
Comments re prayer list. Suggested that we communally pray for the people on our list during retreats.
Next Year’s date Sunday May 17 through Thursday May 21st at
Bro Bill Hamilton will be retreat leader next year in RI.
We ask treasurer Bro David to forward copies of the registrations (or a summary excel spreadsheet consolidating all the registration info (allergies, food needs, etc.) to retreat leaders as he receives them, and retreat leaders are asked to send confirmation to registrant as soon as received and a week of two before the retreat starts he will send a suggested packing list and retreat info to the retreatants.
Sr Jennifer has a displayer. Sr. Paula will get a displayer from her for the NE Methodist conference meeting.
Sr. Jennifer will check in with Sr. Allison who married last year.
We urged our prior & sub-prior to make contact with everyone on the prayer list who has not been on retreat lately to see how they are doing and how they want to relate with our order. Our Prior will ask retreatants to make calls to help with this.
Adjourned by 2:07
Notes by Bro. Marsh
Minutes of the Council of Brothers and Sisters of the Way 25 March 2019
10:33 AM
Jerry, Jerry, Julian, Jennifer, Wayne & Marsh
Bro Jerry Fritz has been reading Eugene Peterson’s Praying with Jesus.
and led us in prayer starting from today’s reading.
Bro Julian reported on visits in Florida. Bro George is wrestling with Parkinson’s and holding his own. Visited Bro Jerry Stone, working with memory issues and now has a mentor who is helping him a lot. Also had a good conversation with Bro. Rick Floyd.
Reviewed Minutes.
Report on website. Cannot Google search for it yet so use address.
Marsh will look for the reimbursement check he received for the expense!
Treasurer’s report. Corrected previous balance. Currently $1,590.40.
We also have a CD $2,134,95 coming up in May.
Planning Council meetings - aim to have 3 a year. Next in October 16 th at 10:30 by zoom.
Bro Julian will collect retreat minutes & retreat report, and planning form from here. Suggested that we send out invitations with the Advent letter.
Swans Retreats #2 New persons expected: Andrew Mcloud & David Williams. Bro David Keller is hoping for more full members who will will make a point to join them.
Where are we in election cycle? 2020. So let’s gear up for this in our October meeting.
Recruitment: Sr. Beverly thinks she has two new recruits.
Bro. Wayne is concerned about how we might meet needs of people who are lay ministers and could not take 3-4 days off. Maybe a weekend retreat Friday through Sunday? Or on a holiday weekend where Monday is off.
Agreed to not reprint the old Sanctuary but use bookmark and half-page by Bro Julian to help interested folk find their way to the site.
Suggested that Bro Marsh skip the full report of data sent to each member for revisions last year and simply ask each member to report changes to him. Be sure to list Marsh’s email for easy access.
Bro John led us in prayer from the UCC Lenten devotional.
Next Council 10:30 AM October 16, 2019 by Zoom
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