NEXT COUNCIL MTG: Monday, March 17th at 9:30 AM by Zoom.
Present: Bros John MacD. Julian, Bill, Marsh
Regrets: Bro Jerry, Sr. Pat.
Convened at 10:06 with prayer led by Bro Julian
Check in: Many of us are facing substantial challenges of aging.
A Refund was sent to those signed up for the digital retreat that did not happen. It seems that digital retreats have stopped as of now.
Sr. Carolyn, who we hoped might reactivate in the order, has moved to California.
Retreats: Bro Marsh has been asked for the dates and plans for retreats so people can plan for them but he does not have the plans to report.
The Mid-Atlantic retreat seems to be coming together well and Bro Julian will get retreat plan sheets to the retreat leaders for completion and forwarding to Marsh ASAP.
No action was taken about how the cooking and leadership might be managed at the Alcyon retreat. That and the location and plans for the southern NE retreat will be discerned at the NE Consistory next week.
Bro Julian awaiting a date to Visit a possible location for Sisters’ Retreat
Purpose: We reviewed a statement of purpose for use in website, FB and other PR
"Brothers and Sisters of the Way is an ecumenical, inclusive, and progressive community, created to provide personal, professional, and spiritual support for clergy
committed to putting faith in action through daily prayer, monthly mini-retreats and practices and annual retreats in person and online.”
We need someone to create the “events” on Facebook for 2025 retreats if we are to reach out this way. Could it be you? To learn more to get authorization, ask Bro. Marsh, who did this in the past.
We hope to review them at the next Council meeting and ask for a vote by email afterward.
After a discussion of the need to shift from rules to privileges, and the desire to encourage flexibility, creativity, and experimentation to fit with our changing lives the council asked Bro John to draft a new, revised version of privileges and bring it to the next meeting.
Next Meeting: Monday, March 17th at 9:30 AM by Zoom.
The Monday Mini Retreat will meet the same day. March 17th, at 11 AM
We asked Bro Bill to organize the Zoom for both events.
The NE Consistory will meet Feb 10 or 11 at 10 AM to do the urgent business of discerning a possible southern retreat, a location, probable participation…
Thanks to Bro Julian for a lovely closing prayer.
Notes by Bro Marsh
BSOW Council Dec 5 2024 10 AM
NEXT COUNCIL MTG: Feb 4th at 10 AM Zoom
Bros John MacD. Julian, Bill, Marsh and Sr Shell convened at 10:06 with prayer.
No virtual retreat was held so Refund need to be sent.
Bro Julian will get photo and contact info for Sr. Roberts to Bro Marsh
Retreats: Alcyon site all set.
No NE retreat location set yet.
Bro David Keller has concerns about method for cooking that will allow his to really retreat.
Bro Bill will Contact Bro David K and set Consistory Date to make plan
Bro John will send contact info for a possible location at Barbara Harris Center in Greenfield, NH
Thursday Mini=Retreat group to be on the 19th Sr Shell will send invite to group members.
We set Feb 4th Council date (10 AM) to complete retreat plans so we can get out info before members get other things planned.
Marsh is attaching retreat plan sheet (see below)
RETREAT LEADERS: please complete the plan and return to Bro Marsh by Feb 15th
Visit coming soon with possible location for Sisters’ Retreat
We reviewed a statement of purpose for use in website, FB and other PR
drafted by Bro John and adapted it as follows.
"Brothers and Sisters of the Way is an ecumenical, inclusive, and progressive community, created to provide personal, professional, and spiritual support for clergy committed to putting faith in action through daily prayer, monthly mini-retreats and practices and annual retreats in person and online.”
Please brainstorm about alternatives and changes for decision in February Council
Bro Marsh needs to cut back the responsibilities he carries and so he is asking for a sister or brother to take over the Facebook postings. Most of this happened in late winter when we update listings for promoting retreats. Please contact Marsh if you’d like details.
We reviewed the suggestions from retreats about deleting references to able, ordinary and inactive members since we are no longer able to keep track of who qualifies for which and such distinctions do not help us in any way. Attached are the proposed bylaw changes as adapted at this meeting. We will review them at the next Council meeting and ask for a vote by email afterward.
Notes by Bro Marsh
Corrections welcome
Attached: (Attachments follow this document.)
• BSOW Rule/ Bylaw Proposed AmenV3 (Includes bylaw proposals pending from our May meeting and unresolved.)
* BSOW Retreat Planning Form
Your feedback encouraged.
Planned BSOW Retreat Form
Date of Retreat: _____________ , 2025
Please complete this form for each retreat.
Due to Bro Marsh by February 15, 2025
Location of Retreat (a GPS workable location)
Starting day, month, year and time:
Optional Starting time and any directions for doing so:
Gathering location and time:
Accessibility: building? bathrooms? shower? toilet? sleeping rooms?
Retreat Leader(s) and each leader’s name, email, snail mailing address, and phone number(s)
Retreat Coordinator (who collects reservations) - may be the same as retreat leader: If different note name, email, snail mailing address, & phone number(s)
Registrar: Name, email, snail mail address, and phone number(s) of person to receive annual dues and registration fees. We ask that same person receive dues and registration fees as people often pay dues with their registration fees.
We ask them to forward copies of registrations to retreat coordinator.
Fee: Regular: _________
First timers is always $50
Ending date and time of retreat:
Email to Bro Marsh Hudson-Knapp
BSOW Rule and Bylaw Proposed Amendments, version 3
from the Council 5 Dec 2024
BSOW Constitution and Rule
Article III, Membership
Delete Underlined Add italicized text.
Paragraph 1. All candidates for membership in the Order must be ordained clergy of the Christian faith. Every candidate must attend at least one retreat, and spend a year's novitiate in the Order. During the Novice’s second retreat Novice's second fulfillment of the annual obligation, by mutual consent, a Novice who accepts the Rules and Obligations of the Order, as set forth in the Constitution and Rule, may be consecrated a Member.
Paragraph 3. A Member is considered an Able Brother or Sister by regularly paying dues and attending retreats. An Ordinary Brother or Sister is one who pays dues, but has been excused by the Prior from the Annual Rule. All Able Brothers and Sisters have the right to vote and are eligible to hold office.
Paragraph 5. A Member who fails to pay dues or attend Retreats for five consecutive years and makes no response when contacted by the Prior of the Member's chapter will be considered to be inactive. Inactive status means a member cannot vote.
Paragraph 6. An inactive or former member can be restored as an ordinary member by making a request to the scribe of the order and paying dues for the current year. If they also attend a retreat they will again become able members.
Paragraph 8.The insignia of the Order shall be a silver Chalice. not more than two inches nor less than one inch in height. It may be worn on the left side of the pulpit gown. Each Member will receive the insignia of the Order during his or her second retreat following at the time of Consecration as a Member of the Brothers and Sisters of the Way.
Unresolved for Council action in February
BSOW Rules and Obligations
Every Member is expected to make an Annual Retreat. The traditional in-person, on-site Retreats comprise at least three full days in fellowship with other Members. This Retreat shall include daily morning and evening one-hour periods of reading without comment from books approved by the Librarian or the Retreat Master and prayer; a two-hour daily period of strict silence; a one-hour daily period devoted to sacred music; and a regular daily service of Holy Communion. Each Member shall serve in menial work in turn. The Retreat must last for three full days. This is called the Annual Rule or Obligation.
In recognition of changing times, both as to the age and mobility of retired Members and the professional pressures, part-time ministries, bi-vocational careers and other contemporary conditions, as well as the availability of electronic technologies such as Zoom, Retreats designated as Digital may be held and authorized as fulfillment of the Annual Obligation. Such Digital Retreats must occur over a span of three days and include periods of reading and prayer silence, music, and Communion.
1. Changes wording to allow consecration at the end of the second year of practicing 2nd year of completing the annual obligation which might be by physical or digital retreats or mini-retreats.
2. Following present practice we do not keep track of attendance and dues paying so the former distinction between ordinary and able members is not functioning and not needed.
5. Ends the inactive member status which we have not used for many years.
6. Therefore we do not have a practice to reclaim inactive members
7. Removes measurement requirements for a chalice pin and clarifies what is common practice, that a member receives a chalice pin at the time of their consecration as member.
BSOW Council 9 September 2024
Started at 10:05 AM via Zoom
Present: Bros. Julian, Bill, Marsh, Jerry Fuss, John MacD
Bro Julian led us in a lovely Prayer- sometimes sung - (can be found in Celtic Daily Prayer)
May council minutes accepted.
Treasurer’s Report $2,314.30 in checking account. CD $2,168.34 Matures in January 4.65% interest. Bro Jerry authorized by unanimous vote to use his good judgment on re-upping the CD when that time comes. He did a great job in getting us better interest on this CD!
Remembering Sr. Julie Beall with gratitude.
Upcoming Midatlantic Retreat:
New brother registered for our Mid Atlantic retreat - from Ohio: Ed Heilman introduced by Bro Jim B. Right now 4 bros and 2 sisters are registered. Bro Julian is recruiting Fred Young, and several other possibles. Bro Julian will share the proposed bylaw changes and discuss them at the retreat.
Nan Merrill group in WV, Friends of Silence, have 2 places in Harper’s Ferry. Srs. Bev & Casey and Bro Julian will go check one (Stillpoint Mountain Retreat) as a possible site for a sisters retreat.
Re: Proposed changes to Obligations in bylaws
Bro John suggests that we focus more on what various aspects are a blessing to participants than to spend lots of time in defining obligations.
Bro Bill: important to offer digital options for some who live far from the NE,
and others who cannot do overnights. Need to rethink structure of retreats to fill present needs.
Location at Alcyon is all set for 2025, June 9-12 thanks to Bro. John.
Retreat leader: Possibly Sr. Judith or Bro David.? Questions about managing cooking, etc. from Main Retreat notes
Discussing southern NE retreat location.
For NE Consistory to pursue.
Hope to schedule 2025 retreats before the end of the year
Bro Bill will set up a NE Consistory meeting.
We will ask registrars (Bro Dave Andrews and Jerry Fuss) to send full registration forms to retreat leader if there are any dietary or accessibility or other special needs on registration forms so leader can be prepared for those needs.
Bro Julian will send Bro bill copies of Sanctuary for use in promotion.
Bro John led us in closing prayer
Next meeting Nov 11th 9 AM
P.S. Since we will be discussing retreat plans for 2025 should we invite retreat leaders to meet with us in November??
Retreat at Alcyon Center, Seal Cove, Mt Desert Island
June 10- 14, 2024
PRESENT: Br. David Keller, retreat leader; Br. David Andrews. Br. Doug Dunlap, Br. Dick Waddell, Br. John MacDuffie, Sr. Debby Bujnocki (novice)
Virtual Retreat -- two opportunities:
Takes place over a few days, all online, gather for program, on our own for silence and free time. Our opinion: can, in some form, be counted as our Annual Privilege. Retreatants need to set aside the days, minimize doing things that aren’t “retreat.”
Monthly hour-long mini retreat – could this be counted toward the “monthly privilege”?
Our group would not want this to count toward the “Annual Privilege.”
Scheduling next year -very pleased with Alcyon Center
Proposed next year – June 9 – 13
Br. Dick suggested consideration of Pilgrim Lodge if Alcyon doesn’t work.
Retreat leadership
Br. David noted that the current model having retreat leader be also chief cook isn’t working for him.
Option A: one person responsible for a set of meals, shop and prep
Option B: Retreat leader delegates meals to retreatants
Option C: look into paying Alcyon (or another location) to cook for us
Option extra: review menu with intent to simplify
Suggest that we give this thought and make suggestions over the year
Note our transition to a retired constituency
Why are we not recruiting active clergy?
Does it matter that many ministers are women? Could we offer a women’s only retreat?
Sr Debby thinks there are women (MIDs and serving) who would be interested
Consider creative marketing
What about our overwhelmingly UCC constituency? How to be more ecumenical
Appreciate our schedule and rhythm
Appreciate readings and thoughtfulness in preparing the readings
This place fits our program/community well
Food offerings from retreatants were an added benefit
Make sure leader knows any dietary, mobility issues
5 June 2024 2-3:30 PM, Retreat Meeting, Pownal, VT
Present: Bros Bill H, Jeff, Marsh, John Danner
We discussed possible changes in the Rule being discussed in the Council to recognize digital retreats and or several mini-retreats as ways to fulfill the annual obligation. No hesitance about the. proposal was expressed.
Discussed possible Retreats with meals provided which. Might appeal to the younger crows that might be regularly preparing meals for family members and welcome a break from cooking. This would probably cost more.
Discussed other places in southern New England that could handle more people and offer more privacy for women retreatants, and perhaps appeal to others our father south New England.
Bro Jeff mentioned a Benedictine retreat center in Petersham, MA – pricing by donation – might need to share some spaces with other retreatants. Here's the link:
Wondered if Warner Farm is available again. Wanting to explore possibilities. A subject for the consistory and or council.
Recruiting New members:
3 new members in MidAtlantic this year and 3 last year. Is that right? What was the process to attract them? Can we. Learn from our southern chapter?
Next Year’s Southern New England Retreat Date: First week in June. 1st or 2nd through the 5th, 2025.Location: to discern. Pownal location is available.
Several of our reading on the retreat came from the two books suggested to UCC people across the country to read; Black Liturgies and It was suggested that the Council or members might pick a book for our order members to read and. study-discuss together at mini-retreats, digital or in person retreats during the year.
As an alternative to 3-day digital retreats we discussed Possible one day event – 3 days is a lot of time in one run on the computerlike 10-5. Might be less tied to the standard daily schedule for retreats?
Might include these elements:
Reading from the book
Conversation about the reading
Suggested that someone of us talk with people at Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation: Gerry May. which does one day online retreats, or other similar organizations e.g a day focused on the writings of Howard Thurman.
Consider for digital or physical retreat: a focus on one book rather than several provided by members. Perhaps make time in the retreat for discussion - not just silent reading with little ongoing discussion of the text.
What is the purpose of the order? Bro john suggested what he heard is this: to provide support and encouragement to Christian Clergy so as to better serve God, perhaps churches, and the church universal. Is this is our focus? How might it guide us?
We also concluded that the heart of the annual obligation (which is being discussed in Council and at retreats) is to have a communal experience with brothers and sisters.
Bro. Bill has hosted ALL Zoom meetings this year. We need others to facilitate other Zoom events.
We noted that the traditional order for retreats lacks informal discussion time of readings which does seem important. Suggested building in structured conversation in these retreat formats.
These proposals require a higher level of planning than we have done. Would we organize enough to actually do this?
We are forwarding this to Bro John MacDuffie for the Maine retreat to consider and respond to in addition to their own thoughts and concerns.
Bro Marsh, Clerk
BSOW Council 8 April 2024
Started at 10:13 AM via Zoom
Present: Bros. Julian, Bill, Marsh, Jerry Fuss, John MacD, Patricia
5th Century Opening Prayer by Bro Julian asking deliverance from fears.
Minutes approved unanimously
Treasurer’s. 2,218 in checking; CD the same as it was
Bro Jim on his way retiring! Bro Jerry Fritz retiring in June
Work on the proposed revision of the BSOW Rule:
(underlined passages to be incorporated in older version) Edited by discussion in the Council
Every Member is expected to make an Annual Retreat. The traditional in-person, on-site Retreats compriseat least three full days in fellowship with other Members. This Retreat shall include daily morning and evening one-hour periods of reading without comment from books approved by the Librarian or the Retreat Master and prayer; a two-hour daily period of strict silence; a one-hour daily period devoted to sacred music; and a regular daily service of Holy Communion. Each Member shall serve in menial work in turn. The Retreat must last for three full days. This is called the Annual Rule or Obligation.
In recognition of changing times, both as to the age and mobility of retired Members and the professional pressures, part-time ministries, bi-vocational careers and other contemporary conditions, as well as the availability of electronic technologies such as Zoom, Retreats designated as Virtual may be held and authorized as fulfillment of the Annual Obligation. Such Virtual Retreats must occur over a span of three days; must include four periods of reading and prayer, two periods of silence, two periods for music, and two services of Holy Communion. Retreats may include discussions.
To Be Reviewed in May:
The experience of spiritual nurture and supportive fellowship may be offered in the form of monthly one-hour virtual “Mini Retreats” in which conversation, reading, discussion, and prayer are incorporated.
Option One: These retreats do not fulfill the Annual obligation but are recognized as significant fulfillment of the Order’s general purpose: “the cultivation of a fellowship built on the principle of love, the deepening of the religious life of its members, and the sustaining of those serving in pastoral ministry.”
Option Two: A Member participating in six (?) or more of such Mini-Retreats in a year will fulfill the Annual Obligation
ADDENDUM re discussions
…a period for reaction or discussion. This idea is justified by our experience with the Mini Retreats of permitting such; the fact that we are not reading our person al writings as Bro. John expressly forbade; the fact that Chaplains often comment on their choices of readings, albeit briefly, at the beginning; and the fact that we all benefit from interaction with others, especially those mutually engaged in, committed to, and possessing rich experience in pastoral ministry. I might also comment that the opportunity or custom of periods of prayer at the end of reading hours is being exercised less and less in my experience. There is also the temptation of all preachers to express their reaction or response to something they have heard as they phrase their prayers, which suggests (Horrors!) that we are not actually at prayer so much as in a preaching mode.
Closing prayer by Bro John
Next Meeting May 13th at 10 AM
Started at 10:13 AM via Zoom
Present: Bros. Julian, Bill, Marsh, Jerry Fuss, John MacD
Opening Prayer by Bro Julian selected from Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrims by Edward Hayes
Minutes of the last meeting passed unanimously.
Bro. Jerry presented our financial report: Unchanged except monthly fee of $3. $ 2,221.30 in checking $2,442.43 in CD Bro Jerry will explore various CD rates in May before renewals.
Accepted unanimously.
Discussion included numerous topics as follows:
During in-person retreats we save some time at the end of the reading to allow for silent and audible prayer but we have saved discussions of the reading for other times.
During Online and mini-retreats responses to readings are often a rich blessing immediately following the reading.
A mini retreat COULD make an agreement to save at least 30 minutes for the reading and response. Similarly, a monthly group might extend the time of their gathering(s) to provide for reading and discussion particularly if the time of sharing became more extended. We will aim to listen to the Spirit’s leading about sharing each month, seeking to allow at least minimal response to sharing by a member. especially if they are undergoing a big challenge, while also working to be good stewards of our limited time together. The Monday group appoints a facilitator to help guide this process at our gatherings, while the Thursday group does not prefer to have a facilitator.
It is a growing practice for all retreats to pray by name for our siblings on the prayer list for that day.
Have we made a focused attempt to appeal to sisters and brothers who are not participating able to joining in-person retreats to participate in virtual retreats? (particularly members who are at a great distance from physical retreats or are not able to travel)
Groups may want to clarify if they are open to any member or closed (namely that people are not invited until the group has approved an invitation)
If the number of participants in a group grow too large for their well-being we might start new groups to be sure to have opportunities for all members to share and be heard.
Virtual Retreats may not need to be at a particular spiritual season like lent or advent. There is interest in a retreat focused on readings from a particular book
Bro. John had submitted, at Council's request last meeting, a proposal for revising of Number One of the BSOW RULES, dealing with the obligation of annual retreat participation. It is suggested that participation in 6 mini-retreats could meet the obligation of Rule #1.
In April the Council will go step by step through Bro John’s proposal.
Then the Council will seek input from the wider circle of the entire order.
After the April meeting of the Council we will send that draft to the entire order and
ask our two mini-retreats to extend the May or June mini-retreat by 15 minutes to collect input on these.
Next, the Council will host an open-ended discussion of the proposals through a Zoom meeting of all members of the order.
We will invite retreat leaders to the next Council meeting to widen the circle of discussion.
Bro Julian has been reaching out to a group called Friends of Silence that do have retreat sites In different parts of the country. The may be happy to make spaces available for us to use for retreats.
Bro John led us in closing prayer
Next Meeting: April 8th at 10 AM. We will focus on Bro John’s proposal.
BSOW Council 8 January 2024
Started at 10: AM via Zoom
Present: Bros. Julian, Bill, Marsh, & Gerry F, John MacD
Brief Sharing.
Bro Julian shared a Reading from the UCC Daily Devotions. The Title was "You Too’ BY Vince Amlin.
Minutes were approved as corrected.
We discussed criteria for retreats that would count toward membership status and consecration. Bro John will draft revised bylaws for next meeting accordingly.
Bro. Abbot Julian would like the next planning meeting to occur before Ash Wed. and would offer six possible dates
Bro Julian has continued to explore other retreat locations
Treasurer’s report 2,227.30 checking. $2,142.65 CD in May.
Bro Jerry will check rates before renewal in May.
Sr. Bev is retiring January 28th. She will also pin the chalice on Sr. Casey on that day. Our former sister, Carolyn Roberts, will be preaching that day.
Bro. John spoke of the Maine retreat house -Alcyon- as a great place for retreat.
Registration forms. Marsh asked for fresh photos for FB and Website and both.
Bro Bill is wanting people who are ready to step in for any of us when we can’t. He would like someone else to share the leadership of one of our virtual retreats.
Bro Julian was hoping to learn more about sharing music on Zoom for our virtual retreats.
Next Meeting: March 11th at 10 AM
Bro. Bill will get will arrange Zoom for that meeting as he has for so many meetings! Thank you!
Notes by Bro Marsh.
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